Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fattening of Meating Cattle on Surrounding of Oil Palm Plantation Area

Location Charachteristics
The experiment was done in surrounding of oil palm area of NGO’s plantation of Kota Waringin Barat District, namely P.T Sabut Mas Abadi. The selected experiment location based on the main regarded in utilization the by product of oil palm factory mainly oil palm solid and the native grass grown at the site.

Innovation Advantages
The selected experiment site closed correlated to the continuing complementary feed (concentrate) source supply in form of liquid waste in order to decrease production input or inline with the low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA) concept. The complementary feed can be used directly as organic fertilizer for the native grass grown at the experiment site. Besides, cattle manure can be also as organic fertilizer for the native grass. An other advantage of liquid solid is higher nutritive value, content of crude protein about 12,63-17,41%; crude fat 7,12-15,15%; crude fiber 9,98-25,79%; energy 3217-3454 kcal; calcium 0,03-0,78% and phosphor 0,58%. For this reason, the liquid solid has high potency for concentrate feed for cattle. Economically, production input can be reduced due to the lower price of liquid solid. The other important issue that utilization of solid liquid can maintain environmental degradation due to the chemically contaminants.

Innovation Description
Fattening Model
A common cattle burn, with 20 cattle capacity, was established near oil palm factory. The activity was done by cooperation member of oil palm factory and oil palm estate. In this cooperation, cattle was provided by member of oil palm estate, while cattle management was handed by member of oil palm factory with sharing benefit was 60% for oil palm factory and 40% for oil palm estate.

Feed sources as native and high yielding variety grasses grown at the site, completed with concentrate feed as source of liquid solid produced by oil palm factory. Cattle manure was utilized as organic matter of high yielding variety grass.

Technology Component
  1. Cattle variety: The local cattle
  2. Concentrate feed: oil palm liquid solid
  3. The high yielding grasses: Elephant grass and Setaria sp.
Innovation Application
Fattening period was 3-6 months; the native and high yielding grasses were cut and carried to the cattle regularly. There was soil treatment (basic fertilization) using oil palm liquid solid to support early growth of the local and high yielding varieties grown at the site.

The liquid oil palm solid was applied directly, mixed with minerals, twice a day (2% of live weight), while application of grasses, mixed of the local and high yielding varieties was based on 10% live weight. The common cattle burn was cleaned daily.

Others information
 Daily increasing of live weight of meat cattle treated with liquid oil palm solid was expected about 0,52 kg/day for the local cattle and 0,77 kg/day for PO cattle. There was an existing data that without the selected treatment, daily increasing of live weight of the local cattle is usually 0,22 kg/day. There also estimated that fattening activity feasible to develop at the site due to the significant increasing income for the farmers

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