Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Making Process of Organic Fertilizer Using MOL

The making process of organic fertilizer is actually very easy, even without a place and a special machine. Naturally organic waste will decompose by itself. But with the leave it alone, the decay process takes a long time. One of the activator that is a fairly inexpensive is MOL solution (Micro Organisms Local)

MOL is a solution based fermented from a variety of local resources available. MOL solution containing micro and macro elements and also contain bacteria that have the potential as a decomposer of organic material, a stimulant plant, and as agents controlling pests and plant diseases, so that MOL can be used either as pendekomposer biological fertilizer and as an organic pesticide, especially as a fungicide.

MOL can be processed very simple using waste from households or plants in the surrounding environment such as the remains of plants such as banana weevil, pineapple, rice straw, remaining vegetables, stale rice, and others.

The main ingredient in the MOL solution consisting of 3 types of components, among others:
1. Carbohydrates: rice washing water, former rice, cassava, potato and wheat
2. Glucose: liquid sugar, liquid sugar, coconut milk / juice
3. Source of bacteria: golden snail, fruits such as tomatoes, papaya, and manure.

There are several ways of breeding MOL is easy to make, namely:
1. Using soybean cooking water (water boiled soybean ± 10 liters add red sugar ¼ kg)
2. Using coconut water (± 10 liters of coconut water, brown sugar ¼ kg, rotten fruit to taste)
3. Using banana stem (± 10 liters of coconut milk, brown sugar ¼ kg, and banana stem 0.5 cm)
4. Using animal waste (animal manure (cow, buffalo) ± 10 liters, brown sugar ½ kg, bran / 5 kg rice bran, coconut water taste (to stir until wet).

Organic fertilizer

Materials: Leaves, bran and other organic materials and MOL solution How to make; organic materials that are available arranged in layers. Each layer is sprinkled with MOL solution. The thickness of each layer 10 d 15 cm. pile of organic material is covered with plastic. Stirring is done every 10 days. The characteristics of manure that is so not hot that when clenched and crumbs. Benefits and advantages of organic fertilizer using MOL: • Simple and easy to put into practice • Cheap as utilizing locally available materials about the environment • Biota protected land • Improving the quality of soil and crops • Does not contain toxins that is safe for humans and livestock

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