Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Seedling Cultivation of Meat Cattle Based on Oil Palm Estate Integration Approach in Central Kalimantan

Site Charachterization
The experiment was done in one of national oil palm plantation NGO’s of PT. Sawit Sumber Mas Sarana, at Kotawaringin Barat District, Central Kalimantan, covered about 350 hectares. There also operated 1 unit oil palm factory about 3 km from the site which produce by products mainly liquid solid that can be use as complementary feed for the cattle. By average, oil palm age about 2 years, and the land has been covering with Callopogonium, a fast growing leguminous with high quality for cattle feed.

Innovasition Advantages
The activity was done integration with oil palm plantation, applied of zero cost and zero wastes. Thus, this approach in accordance to low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA), based on concept: using lower input and environmental sound toward highest efficiency and sustainable farming system (income and production aspects). The experiment also can alleviate environment degradation with utilization of by products as cattle feed, and the experiment result can contribute in fulfilling daily meat need. Innovasition Description
Cultivation Model
Cattle-oil palm integration was done with in-situ approach, continous biologycal cycle, where oil palm factory by products, namely liquid solid was used as complementary cattle feed as same as crops by products such as native grasses and leguminous cover cfrops. Mean while, live stock waste was used as organic fertilizer.

Production and Live Stock Reproduction
  1. Cattle variety: Bali cattle
  2. Concentrate feed introduction: oil palm liquid solid
  3. The high yielding grasses introduction: 
  •  Brachiaria decumbens (BD)
  •  Brachiaria humidicola (BH)
  •  Elephant grass
  •  Mexico grass
  •  Setaria sp.
  •  King grass
         4.  Insemination technology: artificial insemination
         5.  Sincronisation technology: Etrus sincronisation

Technology Application
B.D and BH grasses were developed for grassing, while Elephant grass, King grass, Mexico grass and Setaria grasses for cut abd carry method.

Liquid oil palm solid was applied directly in fresh form , mixed with mineral with dosage of 0,5-1.0% of live weight, twice a day (morening and afternoon). High yielding varieties grasses were mixed with leguminous cover crop, applied abnout 10% of live weight. Etrus sincronisation was applied with single dosage, combined with artificial insemination.

Others Importan Information
Seedling cultivation of meat cattle was done by NGO’s to produce bakalan, also to corserve genetical source of bali cattle. This approach can produce bakalan with calving period 13 months (395 days) covered budget about Rp. 533 250/unit. On the other hand, the native seedling cultivation take some more time, unpredictbale of calving period, and high risk with inbreeding problem. The activity was done for empowering the farmers at surrounding of oil palm plantation, and moreover, result of the experiment will be disseminated to others farmers.
Experiment Performance Performance of the experiment at the site can be illustrated as the following figures.

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