Monday, December 17, 2012

Benefits of Papaya Leaves for Health

Health benefits of papaya leaves to it can not be considered one eye, sob a lot of benefits that we might not know, even I did not know it was, could not deny sob in the days of the all-powerful is sometimes we forget that there are many benefits of natural for the health of our bodies, one of which is papaya leaves, the tree beside the tree easily met this one is very easy to plant, a lot of people plant a papaya tree in his yard, in addition to its leaves are beneficial to the health of men is very good for the consumer, immediately wrote the following sob some papaya leaves for health benefits:

    To treat acne

By creating a mask of papaya
how to grab a few pieces of old papaya leaves, and the leaves jemurlah stelah dried leaves samapai mashed smooth, then add enough water kira2 wrote pokonya to be made in the mask, and then paste on the face of it flat when going to bed at night. Look at the difference in the morning, repeat bebebrapa day so face mend.

    Increase appetite

Take a few leaves of papaya is still fresh and input into the blender in included salt and warm water, then blend the leaves after strain the water and add honey to taste, drink while warm, insha Allah normal appetite back


Did you know that papaya leaf contains a chemical compound karpain. karpain compounds that can kill microorganisms that often interfere with the function of digestive tract running smoothly we will according to its function.

    Treating dengue

Papaya leaves can also be made as a remedy for dengue fever do take this five papaya leaves are still young, kemudaian add about half a liter of water and boil until the papaya or kira2 wrote a quarter of a cup, then add a little salt and honey to taste , drink while warm, make a 1 day 3 times, if the fever had not yet recovered should hurry to go to the doctor, even if it would be better to improve further consultation from the doctors, think of this as a first aid.

    Treating menstrual pain

You could say papaya leaf has long been used from time to time, especially for the womenfolk who stopped coming month or menstruation. How Take 1 sheet of young papaya leaves, add tamarind and salt, then add water Kiar about a cup and boiled. Let cool before drinking the potion papaya.

Those are some of the benefits of papaya leaves to the health of our bodies, may be useful for all of us

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