Monday, December 17, 2012

Benefits of Papaya Leaves for Health

Health benefits of papaya leaves to it can not be considered one eye, sob a lot of benefits that we might not know, even I did not know it was, could not deny sob in the days of the all-powerful is sometimes we forget that there are many benefits of natural for the health of our bodies, one of which is papaya leaves, the tree beside the tree easily met this one is very easy to plant, a lot of people plant a papaya tree in his yard, in addition to its leaves are beneficial to the health of men is very good for the consumer, immediately wrote the following sob some papaya leaves for health benefits:

    To treat acne

By creating a mask of papaya
how to grab a few pieces of old papaya leaves, and the leaves jemurlah stelah dried leaves samapai mashed smooth, then add enough water kira2 wrote pokonya to be made in the mask, and then paste on the face of it flat when going to bed at night. Look at the difference in the morning, repeat bebebrapa day so face mend.

    Increase appetite

Take a few leaves of papaya is still fresh and input into the blender in included salt and warm water, then blend the leaves after strain the water and add honey to taste, drink while warm, insha Allah normal appetite back


Did you know that papaya leaf contains a chemical compound karpain. karpain compounds that can kill microorganisms that often interfere with the function of digestive tract running smoothly we will according to its function.

    Treating dengue

Papaya leaves can also be made as a remedy for dengue fever do take this five papaya leaves are still young, kemudaian add about half a liter of water and boil until the papaya or kira2 wrote a quarter of a cup, then add a little salt and honey to taste , drink while warm, make a 1 day 3 times, if the fever had not yet recovered should hurry to go to the doctor, even if it would be better to improve further consultation from the doctors, think of this as a first aid.

    Treating menstrual pain

You could say papaya leaf has long been used from time to time, especially for the womenfolk who stopped coming month or menstruation. How Take 1 sheet of young papaya leaves, add tamarind and salt, then add water Kiar about a cup and boiled. Let cool before drinking the potion papaya.

Those are some of the benefits of papaya leaves to the health of our bodies, may be useful for all of us

Benefits of Soursop Leaf

Soursop (Annona muricata Linn) is a close relative with srikaya. Soursop plants originated from tropical America, namely Peru, Mexico and Argentina. In the place of origin, soursop fruit is an important and prestigious. This fruit is one of the first fruit trees in the introduction to the world long after Columbus discovered America. Then the Spaniards brought to the Philippines soursop, and proved this plant can be grown in most tropical countries, including Indonesia. These plants grow up in Indonesia, from the lowlands to an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level.

The word comes from the Dutch word soursop "Zuurzak" meaning sour sac. In Malaysia, soursop called durian Dutch (Dutch Duricun). Another name for soursop is Corossol / cachiman epincux (France), Srnirrapfei (Germany), Guanabana / Zapote Agrio (Spain), Thu-rian-rhaek (Thailand), Seetha (Tamil), Gunyctbano (Philippines), Ciguofan Lizhi (China) , Togebanreishi (Japan), and seremania (Fiji). In English, the fruit is known as soursop Soursop because it tastes sweet acidity. In Indonesia, soursop plant also called dutch or jackfruit jackfruit across. Plants can adapt and grow well in all areas. However, the plant has not been grown soursop massive, commonly grown in limited perkarangan yard or home.

Since the first, soursop has been known in the world of herbs. The Englishman named Soursop, Graviola fruit of the tree which we call soursop, is a natural cancer cell killer magic to 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

Soursop is known that in addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as anti-cancer, anti fungi (fungi), effective against various types of parasites / worms, lowering high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system that are less good. One example of how important the existence of Health Sciences Institute is the Institute for the American people the secrets unmasked this Ajab fruit. The facts are astounding: far inland Amazon forest, grow "magic tree", which will change the way you think. Research shows soursop "magic tree" and the fruit can attack cancer cells safely, effectively naturally, without nausea, weight loss, hair loss, as happened in chemotherapy. Protecting the immune system and prevent deadly infections.

Test results of the extract (juice) soursop fruit is effectively selecting the target and kill cancer cells sinister than 12 different types of cancer, including cancers: colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreas.

15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is one of body fat (lipid) which is essential for the activity of cell membranes, make hormones, vitamins and bile acids. Cholesterol also helps in the transmission of nerve impulses.
The level of cholesterol in the blood depends on what you eat and how your body makes cholesterol in the liver. Having too much cholesterol in the blood is not a disease, but it can lead to hardening and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) in the cardiovascular system.
There are two kinds of cholesterol: the bad is called low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and good is called high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL can contribute to heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. HDL removes excess LDL in your blood and bring it to the liver for pembuangan.Avocadophoto © 2007 ingserban | more info (via: Wylio)
Normal blood cholesterol is less than 5 mmol / l. If between 5 and 6.5 mmol / l, you can reduce it with diet. If higher than 6.5 mmol / l you have to take medicine, but to adjust your diet. Here are 15 foods that are beneficial to lower cholesterol in your blood.

Nuts. Walnuts, almonds and other nuts can reduce blood cholesterol. Research has shown that eating a few walnuts every day can lower your cholesterol by 27 percent. According to the watchdog U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), consuming about a handful (42.5 grams) of almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts, may reduce the risk of heart disease. The content of Omega-3 fats and antioxidants in nuts work to rehabilitate the arterial damage caused by saturated fats.

Green tea. Research in Japan found that theanine in green tea beneficial to increase good cholesterol and prevent the formation of bad cholesterol. You should drink at least four cups of sugar-free green tea each day to get the benefits.

Tomato. Drinking two glasses of tomato juice a day lowered bad cholesterol from your body significantly.
Fruit Wine. Red grapes increase good cholesterol. It is recommended to drink two glasses of grape juice every day.
Blueberry. Blueberries contain a large number of substances that fight bad cholesterol. Compounds in blueberries (pterostilbene) may help lower cholesterol as effectively as commercial drugs with fewer side effects.
Plum. Such as blueberries, plums have a huge amount of material that lowers cholesterol.
Soy products. Soy products such as soy milk, tofu and tempeh not only reduces your cholesterol, but also rich in protein.
Garlic. Garlic has a positive effect on your bad cholesterol while maintaining good cholesterol. Many clinical trials have looked at the role and benefits of garlic on cardiovascular disease, primarily by lowering total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. American Dietetic Association recommends that the health benefits of garlic, we should consume 600-900 mg (about 1 clove fresh) per day.
Olive oil. Olive oil can reduce bad cholesterol from your body. Researchers at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) found that a diet enriched in olive oil help lower bad cholesterol (LDL).

Coconut Oil. Research Dr. Mary Enig MS of Nutritional Sciences and other research mentions that natural coconut oil (non-hydrogenated) increase the good cholesterol (HDL).
Avocado. Unsaturated fat in avocados is the kind of healthy because it can increase your HDL cholesterol levels.

Flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil can lower blood pressure in men with high cholesterol. In the three-month study on 59 middle-aged men, those who ate flaxseed oil supplement daily blood pressure decreased significantly.
 Fish and fish oil. A study from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found that people with type 2 diabetes who consumed high doses of fish oil over nine weeks lowered the concentration of cholesterol in their body.

Pomegranates. A study by the National Academy of Sciences (USA) showed that pomegranate juice reduces cholesterol plaque buildup and increases the production of nitric oxide, which helps reduce arterial plaque.

Yogurt with probiotics. Several studies have shown that the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus reuteri actually help lower cholesterol. They work by preventing the reabsorption of cholesterol back into the blood stream.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Liquid smoke, pollution-free healthy preservative

The process of preserving fish by curing methods are now moving forward with the discovery of methods of preservation using liquid smoke.

Liquid smoke is a compound derived from the raw materials used for curing fish taken advanced process to produce liquid.

According to the study the researchers from the Marine and Fisheries Research Agency, Sustainable Diah Ayudiarti and Rodiah Nurbaya Sari, liquid smoke obtained through several stages of pyrolysis, condensation, and redestilasi.

Wood or sawdust dipirolisis at 200-450 Celsius temperature to produce smoke, then the smoke produced is condensed into the form of liquid smoke. Then the result of condensation of liquid smoke contains high levels of tar was distilled repeatedly to remove some tar.

Processing of fish or eels use liquid smoke has several advantages, namely practical use, the product is more uniform flavor, can be used repeatedly, is more efficient in the use of fumigation materials, and can be applied to different types of food.

It is most important to the health of the consumer is to use liquid smoke, contains carcinogens can be removed and a variety of bacteria can be disabled without reducing the nutritional value of food.

Liquid smoke is more efficient than traditional fumigation because in addition to not cause air pollution, liquid smoke also pose no poliaromatis emissions of hydrocarbons (PAHs) - which are carcinogenic.

The use of liquid smoke on fresh fish or fish fillets can be done by immersing the product in a solution of liquid smoke, and at certain concentrations depending on the type of fish.

In addition the use of liquid smoke increase the shelf steak Cakalang up to 6 days for storage at room temperature.

More Effective Natural Foods to Prevent Illness

We often rely more vitamins than the bottled or packaged natural foods to maintain health Kita. apple 178x180 Natural Foods More Effectively Prevents All other SakitPadahal We know that fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients that are essential for the body. Strawberry and Apple for example, the fruit is rich in antioxidants, antioxidants alone is a substance that serves to protect the body from free radical attack.

Apples are also rich in a very nice sera to prevent strokes and heart attacks. Vitamin A is contained in sweet potatoes can also help treat inflammation triggered from toxins contained in cigarette smoke. eating sweet potatoes can also improve the respiratory system for an active and pasif.lutein peroko and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that are good for the eyes. Lutein is abundant in dark green vegetables, like spinach but the material can also be found in pumpkin. Lutein and zeaxanthin alone can act like natural sunglasses, which help form the macular pigment that filters out most of the sun can damage the eyes.

Nearly half of the people of Indonesia had experienced gout. To fix this we can count cherry fruit, cherry surfingartikelblogspotcom 148x80 More Effective Natural Foods Prevent Sakitbewarna contains red anthocyanin compounds. The compound itself, can lower uric acid levels and the risk of colon cancer. Not only that, the cherry can also cope rheumatic diseases and anemia if consumed regularly. Body We are also in desperate need of Vitamin C, oranges are a source of vitamin C which is not foreign to Us.

But do you know that the main source of vitamin C is not the exotic citrus fruits are high in fiber but called Kiwi. yes, kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, but it also contains a mix of kiwi phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals that can prevent heart disease, stroke, asthma and even cancer. Not only that, Kiwi also can encourage damaged cells to repair themselves, reducing oxidative stress and DNA damage.

 Besides Watercress kiwi fruit is also rich in vitamin c. The content is also healthy watercress is contained in iron, vitamin Akiwi clean fd lg 148x80 More Effective Natural Foods Prevent Pain and vitamin K as well as the nutrient to prevent cancer and keep the immune system in order to keep your bones keep sehat.Sayur can also reduce the tumor and help eyesight at night. In addition to the above natural foods are much more natural foods that we can use as a vitamin guards health. Is not that healthy foods are foods derived from nature, so we should eat foods that come from nature as well

Friday, December 14, 2012

Back to Nature, Back to Organik

Without aware, a variety of chemicals into the body from food eaten. According to the Environmental Working Group, an independent body that examines the levels of pesticides in the United States, said 12 fruits and vegetables are the most vulnerable to pesticides.

Vegetables and fruit, among which are: peaches (peaches), apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, kale, lettuce, grapes (imported), pears, and carrots.

For that reason, it is advisable to choose organic foods from 12 types of food. But, what exactly are the benefits of organic food?
  1. Organic foods are usually planted with strict standards so that more healthy
  2. Organic foods usually taste fresher because taking quintessence directly from nature
  3. Can reduce the risk of disease due to chemicals in non-organic food
  4. Organic foods minimize environmental destruction due to natural walking food production chain
  5. By handling a natural, organic food usually contains more nutrients your body needs
  6. Organic food is more easily digested and absorbed by the body due to extract more natural

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Things of Beauty

Who doesn't like the subject of beauty ? Beatiful people always make for enticing reading, whether w e happen to be among the pretty people set, or on the outside looking un at their seemingly prettier lives.

We have chosen quite the lineup of genetically blessed people in this issue, from dewi sandara, 20/20 subject cinta laura, actrees Cut Mini Theo and media and style maven Dian Muljadi. I like  the fact that these women represent a spectrum of ages and lokks in defining what it means to be attractive, both personally and proffesionally.

Of course, the physical is only one side of beauty, which is something many of us overlook when we regret the loss of our looks - if we ever really had them in the first place. One of my favorite pieces this month is by Carla de Cervantes, who whrites about finding the beauty in everyday human experiences and interactions.

Weekender - September 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I found a baby squirrel. What do I do?

1. TRY TO REUNITE BABY WITH MOTHER. Always first try to reunite the baby tree squirrel with it's mother. Please read this article for instruction. If the baby is injured, cold, it's night time or mom does not come to get it within 2-3 hours, the baby is probably orphaned and needs your help. 
Check the chart below to see if you have a Fox or Grey tree squirrel, California Ground Squirrel, opossum or rat, what age and sex. Juvenile tree squirrels are old enough to be on their own if they have a big fluffy tail. Ground squirrels have white around the eyes, shorter less fluffy tails, are smaller and have white spots on their shoulders. If the baby has no claws or they are light colored, has a dark colored tail, it's a baby rat. If it's super small, it's a baby mouse. If it has a long  pointy snout with a partially pink tail, it's a baby opossum. Below are the common squirrels in California.
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Tree Squirrel
1.5 wk pinky fm.
Tree Squirrel
3 wk.- Fox
Tree Squirrel
4 wk.- Fox
Tree Squirrel
5 wk. male-Fox
Tree Squirrel
7 wk. male-Fox
grey.jpg (80663 bytes)
Tree Squirrel
Adult - Grey
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Tree Squirrel
Juvenile - Fox
x1.jpg (87735 bytes)
Tree Squirrel
Adult - Fox
gbaby6.jpg (98085 bytes)
5 wk. baby
cgs.jpg (125967 bytes)
Ground Squirrel
Opossum Rat
newbaby.jpg (40808 bytes) ratbaby4.jpg (37853 bytes)
Not sure if it's a baby Fox squirrel or California Ground Squirrel, click here for more photos and descriptions. 

2. PICK THE BABY UP. Get a small box about a foot square, a cat carrier, a large Tupperware container (without the lid on) or another suitable container. Place some soft fabric at the bottom but not towels as they can get their claws stuck in the loops. Put on some thick leather gloves (they probably don't have teeth but just to be safe). Gently pick up the baby. Take this opportunity to look at the baby to check for injuries, parasites, bleeding, bumps, puncture wounds. If they are bleeding quite a bit or you see obvious broken bones or serious injury, take them to a veterinarian ASAP.

3. GET THE BABY WARM. Hopefully you have a heating pad or electric blanket handy. Put the heating pad or blanket on low to medium depending upon type. Place the container on top of half of the pad. This way if it's too hot, they can crawl off. Baby squirrels should be about 99 degrees F. They can't regulate their own heat when they are babies so they need external heat. Be sure to check to make sure the container or squirrels don't get too hot. Also check to make sure they're warm. Some heating pads have automatic safety shut offs after so many hours. Place a towel over the top of the container to keep the heat in. If it's a hot day, they may not need the towel over the top. If you don't have a heating pad or blanket, you can use a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. Don't let their skin touch the bottle or they can be burned. You can also use a latex exam glove filled with water, knotted and microwaved for about 30 seconds depending upon your oven power.

4. LOOK FOR A SQUIRREL REHABILITATOR. Call your local vets, animal shelters, humane societies, Fish & Game, Fish & Wildlife, Wildlife groups to get a referral for a local wildlife rehabilitator that takes in tree squirrels. Try this link for local rehabbers. Find a rehabber. You can also search online Put in "squirrel rehabilitation" and your state and city. If no one picks up the phone, returns your call or gives you further instruction, it's time to do a little more.
5. GET THE BABY HYDRATED. Most fallen babies will be dehydrated. You can see how dehydrated they are by gently pinching their skin. If the "tent" of skin stays there over a second or so, they are dehydrated. If they look wrinkly, have sunken in eyes, appear emaciated, they are dehydrated. Most super markets and drug stores carry Pedialyte in the baby section or their own brand of rehydrating baby fluid. Gerber has a brand also. Squirrels like fruit flavors but plain will do if it's all they've got. If you can't find Pedialyte, there is always Gatorade. If you're nowhere near a store here is a homemade formula. One teaspoon salt, three teaspoons sugar mixed into one quart of warm water. We use oral syringes, i.e. syringes without needles, but you can use a clean eye dropper or an oral baby syringe. They also sell syringe feeders at Petco and Petsmart right next to the Esbilac puppy milk. Make sure the baby is warm before you give it any fluids or it won't be able to process the fluids. 
feedinginstruments.jpg (43842 bytes)

Feeding instruments Pedialyte
If they are tiny hairless pink babies about 2-3 inches long, you must be very careful giving them fluids. It's easy to aspirate the babies and get the fluid in their lungs. This will give them pneumonia and they will probably die. Just put one tiny drop on their lips at a time and let them suck that in. If they have their eyes open, you can let them take the syringe in their mouth and gently give them a few drops. If a lot falls out of their mouth or comes out the nose, you're going too fast. If you get some coming out their nose, hold them upside down instantly for 10 seconds then blot the fluids off their nose, out of their nostrils. Wait a minute before resuming. Make sure you give these fluids warm but not hot. Store unused amounts in the refrigerator.
If they won't take the fluids, put a drop on their lips or poke a drop in their mouth so they can taste it first. Some will just open their mouths wide and start suckling away. I would give tiny eyes closed pink babies 1 cc every two hours, fully furred eyes closed babies 1-2 cc every two hours, eyes open babies 2-4 cc every three hours until a rehabber calls you back with instructions. (1 cc is about 20-25 drops from an eye dropper,  5 cc is 1 tsp)
Baby squirrels need to be stimulated to poo and pee when their eyes are closed. After each feeding of fluids you will need to gently wipe the genital and anal area with a warm moist cotton ball or Q-tip until they pee or poo. If they are very dehydrated and haven't eaten in a while, they may not pee for a couple of feedings and may not poo for a day. Keep trying after every feeding time.
Baby squirrels may have parasites such as fleas, mites, ticks and maggots. Remove the fleas and maggots by hand with flea combs or tweezers. Petco also sells flea and mite sprays made specifically for small animals such as hamsters. If it's a baby pinky, do not apply anything to the squirrel. Put the spray on cloth around the baby. Do not spray into wounds.

6. STILL NO REHABBER. It's illegal to hold wildlife over 48 hours without a permit. It's illegal to try and rehabilitate wildlife yourself. It's illegal to keep wildlife as a pet. There are squirrel rehabilitation manuals and information on the internet. I legally can't tell you any more than this legally. I became a rehabber because I found a baby squirrel and no rehabilitator would take the squirrel because they were all full. Fish & Game told me to throw it back outside and let it become part of the food chain. I didn't do that. That  squirrel is alive and well today living in my neighborhood. She comes to visit me from time to time to say thanks. Thank you for caring for the baby squirrels.

You've just gone through a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, wildfire, tsunami, mudslide or other natural disaster. Rehabbers are wiped out, roads and stores are closed. I'm sure local authorities would understand. Here are manuals for caring for tree and ground squirrels. I no longer recommend Esbilac puppy milk. Their formula was contaminated and it killed many babies. Even though they knew their product could kill babies, they kept on selling it. I now recommend in this order any puppy formula, any kitten formula, goats milk, human baby formula, human breast milk, evaporated milk, regular milk, soy milk, powdered milk, half and half, whipping cream and water, cremola and water, sweetened liquid cremola, non-dairy creamer, soy milk, pedialyte/gatorade only, plain water... As soon as you find a better formula, slowly change the formula to the preferred one. If their eyes are open, you can give baby food, shelled nuts, bits of avocado, apple, grape, apple sauce... The manual goes into problems with diarrhea, fleas, injuries, pneumonia, paralysis, genital suckling and treatment.

8. WHAT WE DO WITH THE BABY SQUIRRELS. We as in rehabbers will nurse the babies until they are old enough to eat on their own. Then we will teach them how to eat soft and hard foods. When they can eat on their own, we take them from the indoor cages and put them into large 8' tall outdoor cages. Here they learn how to find food, build a regular squirrel nest, climb, jump and interact with other juvenile squirrels. When they are 4.5 to 5 months of age we will release the squirrels within two miles of where they were found. This will probably be your back yard if you wish. We will put them in an outdoor nest box which we will wire to a tree or post. After a few days they will leave their box and build their own nest. They will be able to find food and fend for themselves by this time.
Thank YOU for saving the babies' lives!

How to make your own organic fertilizer

If your garden supplies much of your family's yearly food intake, you'll want to do all you can to maximize your vegetables' nutritional quality. The following potent, correctly balanced fertilizing mix is composed entirely of natural substances. It's less expensive than commercial organic fertilizers, and it's much better for your soil than harsh synthetic chemical mixes. This mix, along with regular additions of compost, will produce incredible results.

Organic components

Seed meals and various kinds of lime are the most important ingredients. These alone will grow a great garden. Seed meals are byproducts of making vegetable oil. They are made from soybeans, flaxseed, sunflowers, cotton seeds, canola and other plants. Different regions of the country have different kinds more readily available. Seed meals are stable and will store for years if kept dry and protected from pests in a metal container with a tight lid.

Lime is ground, natural rock containing large amounts of calcium, and there are three types. Agricultural lime is relatively pure calcium carbonate. Gypsum is calcium sulfate and is included because sulfur is a vital plant nutrient. Dolomite, or dolomitic lime, contains both calcium and magnesium carbonates, usually in more or less equal amounts. If you have to choose one kind, it probably should be dolomite, but you'll get a better result using all three types. These substances are not expensive if bought in large sacks from agricultural suppliers. (Do not use quicklime, burnt lime, hydrated lime or other chemically active "hot" limes.)

If you routinely garden with this homemade fertilizer mix, you won't need to apply additional lime to your garden. The mix is formulated so that it automatically distributes about 50 pounds of lime per 1,000 square feet each year.

Bone meal, phosphate rock or guano (bat or bird manure) all boost the phosphorus level, and phosphate and guano usually are also rich in trace elements. Bone meal is usually available at garden centers. Kelp meal (dried seaweed) has become expensive, but it supplies some things nothing else does -- a complete range of trace minerals plus growth regulators and natural hormones that act like plant vitamins, increasing resistance to stresses.

Guano, rock phosphate and kelp meal may seem costly or difficult to obtain, but they add considerable fortitude to the plants and increase the nutritional content of your vegetables.

Some rock dusts contain a complete range of minor plant nutrients and may be substituted for kelp meal.

Making the organic fertilizer

To concoct the fertilizer mix, measure out all materials by volume: that is, by the scoop, bucketful, jarful, etc. Proportions that vary by 10 percent either way will be close enough, but do not attempt to make this formula by weight. An old 5-gallon plastic bucket will allow you to stir up about 14 quarts.

Mix uniformly, in parts by volume:

4 parts seed meal

1/4 part ordinary agricultural lime, best finely ground

1/4 part gypsum (or double the agricultural lime)

1/2 part dolomitic lime

Plus, for best results:

1 part bone meal, rock phosphate or high-phosphate guano

1/2 to 1 part kelp meal (or 1 part basalt dust)

This recipe is inexpensive when judged by its results. Farm feed and grain dealers are the best sources for large bags of seed meals, which are typically used to feed livestock. The other ingredients usually can be found at garden shops, although they probably will be sold in smaller quantities at higher prices per pound. You may find the best prices by mail order or on the Internet.

Applying the fertilizer mix

Read more:

Seedling Cultivation of Meat Cattle Based on Oil Palm Estate Integration Approach in Central Kalimantan

Site Charachterization
The experiment was done in one of national oil palm plantation NGO’s of PT. Sawit Sumber Mas Sarana, at Kotawaringin Barat District, Central Kalimantan, covered about 350 hectares. There also operated 1 unit oil palm factory about 3 km from the site which produce by products mainly liquid solid that can be use as complementary feed for the cattle. By average, oil palm age about 2 years, and the land has been covering with Callopogonium, a fast growing leguminous with high quality for cattle feed.

Innovasition Advantages
The activity was done integration with oil palm plantation, applied of zero cost and zero wastes. Thus, this approach in accordance to low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA), based on concept: using lower input and environmental sound toward highest efficiency and sustainable farming system (income and production aspects). The experiment also can alleviate environment degradation with utilization of by products as cattle feed, and the experiment result can contribute in fulfilling daily meat need. Innovasition Description
Cultivation Model
Cattle-oil palm integration was done with in-situ approach, continous biologycal cycle, where oil palm factory by products, namely liquid solid was used as complementary cattle feed as same as crops by products such as native grasses and leguminous cover cfrops. Mean while, live stock waste was used as organic fertilizer.

Production and Live Stock Reproduction
  1. Cattle variety: Bali cattle
  2. Concentrate feed introduction: oil palm liquid solid
  3. The high yielding grasses introduction: 
  •  Brachiaria decumbens (BD)
  •  Brachiaria humidicola (BH)
  •  Elephant grass
  •  Mexico grass
  •  Setaria sp.
  •  King grass
         4.  Insemination technology: artificial insemination
         5.  Sincronisation technology: Etrus sincronisation

Technology Application
B.D and BH grasses were developed for grassing, while Elephant grass, King grass, Mexico grass and Setaria grasses for cut abd carry method.

Liquid oil palm solid was applied directly in fresh form , mixed with mineral with dosage of 0,5-1.0% of live weight, twice a day (morening and afternoon). High yielding varieties grasses were mixed with leguminous cover crop, applied abnout 10% of live weight. Etrus sincronisation was applied with single dosage, combined with artificial insemination.

Others Importan Information
Seedling cultivation of meat cattle was done by NGO’s to produce bakalan, also to corserve genetical source of bali cattle. This approach can produce bakalan with calving period 13 months (395 days) covered budget about Rp. 533 250/unit. On the other hand, the native seedling cultivation take some more time, unpredictbale of calving period, and high risk with inbreeding problem. The activity was done for empowering the farmers at surrounding of oil palm plantation, and moreover, result of the experiment will be disseminated to others farmers.
Experiment Performance Performance of the experiment at the site can be illustrated as the following figures.

Fattening of Meating Cattle on Surrounding of Oil Palm Plantation Area

Location Charachteristics
The experiment was done in surrounding of oil palm area of NGO’s plantation of Kota Waringin Barat District, namely P.T Sabut Mas Abadi. The selected experiment location based on the main regarded in utilization the by product of oil palm factory mainly oil palm solid and the native grass grown at the site.

Innovation Advantages
The selected experiment site closed correlated to the continuing complementary feed (concentrate) source supply in form of liquid waste in order to decrease production input or inline with the low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA) concept. The complementary feed can be used directly as organic fertilizer for the native grass grown at the experiment site. Besides, cattle manure can be also as organic fertilizer for the native grass. An other advantage of liquid solid is higher nutritive value, content of crude protein about 12,63-17,41%; crude fat 7,12-15,15%; crude fiber 9,98-25,79%; energy 3217-3454 kcal; calcium 0,03-0,78% and phosphor 0,58%. For this reason, the liquid solid has high potency for concentrate feed for cattle. Economically, production input can be reduced due to the lower price of liquid solid. The other important issue that utilization of solid liquid can maintain environmental degradation due to the chemically contaminants.

Innovation Description
Fattening Model
A common cattle burn, with 20 cattle capacity, was established near oil palm factory. The activity was done by cooperation member of oil palm factory and oil palm estate. In this cooperation, cattle was provided by member of oil palm estate, while cattle management was handed by member of oil palm factory with sharing benefit was 60% for oil palm factory and 40% for oil palm estate.

Feed sources as native and high yielding variety grasses grown at the site, completed with concentrate feed as source of liquid solid produced by oil palm factory. Cattle manure was utilized as organic matter of high yielding variety grass.

Technology Component
  1. Cattle variety: The local cattle
  2. Concentrate feed: oil palm liquid solid
  3. The high yielding grasses: Elephant grass and Setaria sp.
Innovation Application
Fattening period was 3-6 months; the native and high yielding grasses were cut and carried to the cattle regularly. There was soil treatment (basic fertilization) using oil palm liquid solid to support early growth of the local and high yielding varieties grown at the site.

The liquid oil palm solid was applied directly, mixed with minerals, twice a day (2% of live weight), while application of grasses, mixed of the local and high yielding varieties was based on 10% live weight. The common cattle burn was cleaned daily.

Others information
 Daily increasing of live weight of meat cattle treated with liquid oil palm solid was expected about 0,52 kg/day for the local cattle and 0,77 kg/day for PO cattle. There was an existing data that without the selected treatment, daily increasing of live weight of the local cattle is usually 0,22 kg/day. There also estimated that fattening activity feasible to develop at the site due to the significant increasing income for the farmers

The Making Process of Organic Fertilizer Using MOL

The making process of organic fertilizer is actually very easy, even without a place and a special machine. Naturally organic waste will decompose by itself. But with the leave it alone, the decay process takes a long time. One of the activator that is a fairly inexpensive is MOL solution (Micro Organisms Local)

MOL is a solution based fermented from a variety of local resources available. MOL solution containing micro and macro elements and also contain bacteria that have the potential as a decomposer of organic material, a stimulant plant, and as agents controlling pests and plant diseases, so that MOL can be used either as pendekomposer biological fertilizer and as an organic pesticide, especially as a fungicide.

MOL can be processed very simple using waste from households or plants in the surrounding environment such as the remains of plants such as banana weevil, pineapple, rice straw, remaining vegetables, stale rice, and others.

The main ingredient in the MOL solution consisting of 3 types of components, among others:
1. Carbohydrates: rice washing water, former rice, cassava, potato and wheat
2. Glucose: liquid sugar, liquid sugar, coconut milk / juice
3. Source of bacteria: golden snail, fruits such as tomatoes, papaya, and manure.

There are several ways of breeding MOL is easy to make, namely:
1. Using soybean cooking water (water boiled soybean ± 10 liters add red sugar ¼ kg)
2. Using coconut water (± 10 liters of coconut water, brown sugar ¼ kg, rotten fruit to taste)
3. Using banana stem (± 10 liters of coconut milk, brown sugar ¼ kg, and banana stem 0.5 cm)
4. Using animal waste (animal manure (cow, buffalo) ± 10 liters, brown sugar ½ kg, bran / 5 kg rice bran, coconut water taste (to stir until wet).

Organic fertilizer

Materials: Leaves, bran and other organic materials and MOL solution How to make; organic materials that are available arranged in layers. Each layer is sprinkled with MOL solution. The thickness of each layer 10 d 15 cm. pile of organic material is covered with plastic. Stirring is done every 10 days. The characteristics of manure that is so not hot that when clenched and crumbs. Benefits and advantages of organic fertilizer using MOL: • Simple and easy to put into practice • Cheap as utilizing locally available materials about the environment • Biota protected land • Improving the quality of soil and crops • Does not contain toxins that is safe for humans and livestock